Cours de Poterie



Info pratique

Marion KERBOEUF mk,yogamartinique@gmail,com

06 96 19 71 23

Yoga et pilates

"Harmony, Movement & Life

In an unusual and authentic setting in the very heart of the Trois-Ilets Pottery factory, we welcome you every day in an intimate room whose freshness is conducive to the practice of well-being activities (weekly group classes, themed workshops and one-off events).

Given the accelerated development of this field over the last few years, we have chosen to offer you different types of Yoga, Pilates and other similar practices, so that you can grasp the nuances and thus find the practices, teachers and niches that will best suit your needs of the moment.

The Studio's schedule is designed to be as complete as possible, with dynamic classes, softer and more relaxing classes, classes focused on the physical, others on expression, or classes with a more energetic and spiritual approach. There is something for everyone and we hope you will find what you are looking for ;-)


« Massages et Soins »

Harmony, Movement & Life In an unusual and authentic setting in the very heart of the Trois-Ilets Pottery factory, we welcome you every day in an intimate room whose freshness is conducive to the practice of well-being activities (weekly group classes, themed workshops and one-off events).

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